
an exhilarating night in a 1920s burlesque theatre, full of prohibition-era bawdiness, gaga girls hoofin' it in their girdles, and sexy mamas of all varieties and orientations

evening features Rumba dancing, sultry blues, and Betty Boop-ish duets

Featuring: Meg Asaro, Erika Bernabei, Abbey Dehnert, Alison Duncan, Temima Fruchter, Lissa Gundlach, Honi Harlow, Shannon Kearns, Judith Kilzer, Kissy, Sandra Leon,Linsey Lindberg, Andrea Dionne, Erica Weinstein, Gareth White

Director and Producer: Erika Bernabei
Associate Producer: Andrea Dionne

January 15, 16, 17 (Thurs-Sat) 8:00pm
WOW Cafheatre
59-61 E 4th St, 4th Floor (between Bowery and 2nd Ave)
Take the F to 2nd Ave or 6 to Astor Place

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